MDC 24 : Multiple significant trauma
22,653 Procedural Codes are assigned to this MDC
0Y6X0Z2 Detachment at Right 5th Toe, Mid, Open Approach
0Y6X0Z3 Detachment at Right 5th Toe, Low, Open Approach
0Y6Y0Z0 Detachment at Left 5th Toe, Complete, Open Approach
0Y6Y0Z1 Detachment at Left 5th Toe, High, Open Approach
0Y6Y0Z2 Detachment at Left 5th Toe, Mid, Open Approach
0Y6Y0Z3 Detachment at Left 5th Toe, Low, Open Approach
0Y950ZX Drainage of Right Inguinal Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0Y953ZX Drainage of Right Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0Y954ZX Drainage of Right Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0Y960ZX Drainage of Left Inguinal Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0Y963ZX Drainage of Left Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0Y964ZX Drainage of Left Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0YB00ZZ Excision of Right Buttock, Open Approach
0YB03ZZ Excision of Right Buttock, Percutaneous Approach
0YB04ZZ Excision of Right Buttock, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YB10ZZ Excision of Left Buttock, Open Approach
0YB13ZZ Excision of Left Buttock, Percutaneous Approach
0YB14ZZ Excision of Left Buttock, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YB50ZX Excision of Right Inguinal Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0YB53ZX Excision of Right Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0YB54ZX Excision of Right Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0YB60ZX Excision of Left Inguinal Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0YB63ZX Excision of Left Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0YB64ZX Excision of Left Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0YB70ZX Excision of Right Femoral Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0YB73ZX Excision of Right Femoral Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0YB74ZX Excision of Right Femoral Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0YB80ZX Excision of Left Femoral Region, Open Approach, Diagnostic
0YB83ZX Excision of Left Femoral Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
0YB84ZX Excision of Left Femoral Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
0YB90ZZ Excision of Right Lower Extremity, Open Approach
0YB93ZZ Excision of Right Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Approach
0YB94ZZ Excision of Right Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBB0ZZ Excision of Left Lower Extremity, Open Approach
0YBB3ZZ Excision of Left Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Approach
0YBB4ZZ Excision of Left Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBC0ZZ Excision of Right Upper Leg, Open Approach
0YBC3ZZ Excision of Right Upper Leg, Percutaneous Approach
0YBC4ZZ Excision of Right Upper Leg, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBD0ZZ Excision of Left Upper Leg, Open Approach
0YBD3ZZ Excision of Left Upper Leg, Percutaneous Approach
0YBD4ZZ Excision of Left Upper Leg, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBF0ZZ Excision of Right Knee Region, Open Approach
0YBF3ZZ Excision of Right Knee Region, Percutaneous Approach
0YBF4ZZ Excision of Right Knee Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBG0ZZ Excision of Left Knee Region, Open Approach
0YBG3ZZ Excision of Left Knee Region, Percutaneous Approach
0YBG4ZZ Excision of Left Knee Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBH0ZZ Excision of Right Lower Leg, Open Approach
0YBH3ZZ Excision of Right Lower Leg, Percutaneous Approach
0YBH4ZZ Excision of Right Lower Leg, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBJ0ZZ Excision of Left Lower Leg, Open Approach
0YBJ3ZZ Excision of Left Lower Leg, Percutaneous Approach
0YBJ4ZZ Excision of Left Lower Leg, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBK0ZZ Excision of Right Ankle Region, Open Approach
0YBK3ZZ Excision of Right Ankle Region, Percutaneous Approach
0YBK4ZZ Excision of Right Ankle Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBL0ZZ Excision of Left Ankle Region, Open Approach
0YBL3ZZ Excision of Left Ankle Region, Percutaneous Approach
0YBL4ZZ Excision of Left Ankle Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBM0ZZ Excision of Right Foot, Open Approach
0YBM3ZZ Excision of Right Foot, Percutaneous Approach
0YBM4ZZ Excision of Right Foot, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YBN0ZZ Excision of Left Foot, Open Approach
0YBN3ZZ Excision of Left Foot, Percutaneous Approach
0YBN4ZZ Excision of Left Foot, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJ50ZZ Inspection of Right Inguinal Region, Open Approach
0YJ54ZZ Inspection of Right Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJ60ZZ Inspection of Left Inguinal Region, Open Approach
0YJ64ZZ Inspection of Left Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJ70ZZ Inspection of Right Femoral Region, Open Approach
0YJ74ZZ Inspection of Right Femoral Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJ84ZZ Inspection of Left Femoral Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJA0ZZ Inspection of Bilateral Inguinal Region, Open Approach
0YJA4ZZ Inspection of Bilateral Inguinal Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YJE4ZZ Inspection of Bilateral Femoral Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YM20ZZ Reattachment of Right Hindquarter, Open Approach
0YM30ZZ Reattachment of Left Hindquarter, Open Approach
0YM40ZZ Reattachment of Bilateral Hindquarter, Open Approach
0YM50ZZ Reattachment of Right Inguinal Region, Open Approach
0YM60ZZ Reattachment of Left Inguinal Region, Open Approach
0YM90ZZ Reattachment of Right Lower Extremity, Open Approach
0YMB0ZZ Reattachment of Left Lower Extremity, Open Approach
0YMP0ZZ Reattachment of Right 1st Toe, Open Approach
0YMQ0ZZ Reattachment of Left 1st Toe, Open Approach
0YMR0ZZ Reattachment of Right 2nd Toe, Open Approach
0YMS0ZZ Reattachment of Left 2nd Toe, Open Approach
0YMT0ZZ Reattachment of Right 3rd Toe, Open Approach
0YMU0ZZ Reattachment of Left 3rd Toe, Open Approach
0YMV0ZZ Reattachment of Right 4th Toe, Open Approach
0YMW0ZZ Reattachment of Left 4th Toe, Open Approach
0YMX0ZZ Reattachment of Right 5th Toe, Open Approach
0YMY0ZZ Reattachment of Left 5th Toe, Open Approach
0YQ00ZZ Repair Right Buttock, Open Approach
0YQ03ZZ Repair Right Buttock, Percutaneous Approach
0YQ04ZZ Repair Right Buttock, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
0YQ0XZZ Repair Right Buttock, External Approach
0YQ10ZZ Repair Left Buttock, Open Approach
0YQ13ZZ Repair Left Buttock, Percutaneous Approach
0YQ14ZZ Repair Left Buttock, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach