MDC 21 : Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects of drugs

12,608 Diagnosis Codes are assigned to this MDC

T86.829 Unspecified complication of skin graft (allograft) (autograft)
T86.830 Bone graft rejection
T86.831 Bone graft failure
T86.832 Bone graft infection
T86.838 Other complications of bone graft
T86.839 Unspecified complication of bone graft
T86.8421 Corneal transplant infection, right eye
T86.8422 Corneal transplant infection, left eye
T86.8423 Corneal transplant infection, bilateral
T86.8429 Corneal transplant infection, unspecified eye
T86.8481 Other complications of corneal transplant, right eye
T86.8482 Other complications of corneal transplant, left eye
T86.8483 Other complications of corneal transplant, bilateral
T86.8489 Other complications of corneal transplant, unspecified eye
T86.8491 Unspecified complication of corneal transplant, right eye
T86.8492 Unspecified complication of corneal transplant, left eye
T86.8493 Unspecified complication of corneal transplant, bilateral
T86.8499 Unspecified complication of corneal transplant, unspecified eye
T86.850 Intestine transplant rejection
T86.851 Intestine transplant failure
T86.852 Intestine transplant infection
T86.858 Other complications of intestine transplant
T86.859 Unspecified complication of intestine transplant
T86.90 Unspecified complication of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T86.91 Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue rejection
T86.92 Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue failure
T86.93 Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue infection
T86.99 Other complications of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T88.4XXA Failed or difficult intubation, initial encounter
T88.7XXA Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament, initial encounter
T88.8XXA Other specified complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T88.9XXA Complication of surgical and medical care, unspecified, initial encounter
M97.01XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right hip joint, sequela
M97.02XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left hip joint, sequela
M97.11XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right knee joint, sequela
M97.12XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left knee joint, sequela
M97.21XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right ankle joint, sequela
M97.22XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left ankle joint, sequela
M97.31XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right shoulder joint, sequela
M97.32XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left shoulder joint, sequela
M97.41XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right elbow joint, sequela
M97.42XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left elbow joint, sequela
M97.8XXS Periprosthetic fracture around other internal prosthetic joint, sequela
M97.9XXS Periprosthetic fracture around unspecified internal prosthetic joint, sequela
S02.121S Fracture of orbital roof, right side, sequela
S02.122S Fracture of orbital roof, left side, sequela
S02.129S Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, sequela
S02.831S Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.832S Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.839S Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.841S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.842S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.849S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.85XS Fracture of orbit, unspecified, sequela
T33.011A Superficial frostbite of right ear, initial encounter
T33.011S Superficial frostbite of right ear, sequela
T33.012A Superficial frostbite of left ear, initial encounter
T33.012S Superficial frostbite of left ear, sequela
T33.019A Superficial frostbite of unspecified ear, initial encounter
T33.019S Superficial frostbite of unspecified ear, sequela
T33.02XA Superficial frostbite of nose, initial encounter
T33.02XS Superficial frostbite of nose, sequela
T33.09XA Superficial frostbite of other part of head, initial encounter
T33.09XS Superficial frostbite of other part of head, sequela
T33.1XXA Superficial frostbite of neck, initial encounter
T33.1XXS Superficial frostbite of neck, sequela
T33.2XXA Superficial frostbite of thorax, initial encounter
T33.2XXS Superficial frostbite of thorax, sequela
T33.3XXA Superficial frostbite of abdominal wall, lower back and pelvis, initial encounter
T33.3XXS Superficial frostbite of abdominal wall, lower back and pelvis, sequela
T33.40XA Superficial frostbite of unspecified arm, initial encounter
T33.40XS Superficial frostbite of unspecified arm, sequela
T33.41XA Superficial frostbite of right arm, initial encounter
T33.41XS Superficial frostbite of right arm, sequela
T33.42XA Superficial frostbite of left arm, initial encounter
T33.42XS Superficial frostbite of left arm, sequela
T33.511A Superficial frostbite of right wrist, initial encounter
T33.511S Superficial frostbite of right wrist, sequela
T33.512A Superficial frostbite of left wrist, initial encounter
T33.512S Superficial frostbite of left wrist, sequela
T33.519A Superficial frostbite of unspecified wrist, initial encounter
T33.519S Superficial frostbite of unspecified wrist, sequela
T33.521A Superficial frostbite of right hand, initial encounter
T33.521S Superficial frostbite of right hand, sequela
T33.522A Superficial frostbite of left hand, initial encounter
T33.522S Superficial frostbite of left hand, sequela
T33.529A Superficial frostbite of unspecified hand, initial encounter
T33.529S Superficial frostbite of unspecified hand, sequela
T33.531A Superficial frostbite of right finger(s), initial encounter
T33.531S Superficial frostbite of right finger(s), sequela
T33.532A Superficial frostbite of left finger(s), initial encounter
T33.532S Superficial frostbite of left finger(s), sequela
T33.539A Superficial frostbite of unspecified finger(s), initial encounter
T33.539S Superficial frostbite of unspecified finger(s), sequela
T33.60XA Superficial frostbite of unspecified hip and thigh, initial encounter
T33.60XS Superficial frostbite of unspecified hip and thigh, sequela
T33.61XA Superficial frostbite of right hip and thigh, initial encounter
T33.61XS Superficial frostbite of right hip and thigh, sequela
T33.62XA Superficial frostbite of left hip and thigh, initial encounter
T33.62XS Superficial frostbite of left hip and thigh, sequela