ICD-10 PCS – Browse (Tables)

Code Title
Top Categories
D Radiation Therapy
DH Skin
DH0 Beam Radiation Radiation Therapy, Skin, Beam Radiation
DH03 Skin, Neck
DH030 Photons <1 MeV
DH030Z None
DH030ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Photons <1 MeV
DH031 Photons 1 - 10 MeV
DH031Z None
DH031ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Photons 1 - 10 MeV
DH032 Photons >10 MeV
DH032Z None
DH032ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Photons >10 MeV
DH033 Electrons
DH033Z None
DH033Z0 Intraoperative Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Electrons, Intraoperative
DH033ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Electrons
DH034 Heavy Particles (Protons,Ions)
DH034Z None
DH034ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Heavy Particles (Protons,Ions)
DH035 Neutrons
DH035Z None
DH035ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Neutrons
DH036 Neutron Capture
DH036Z None
DH036ZZ None Beam Radiation of Neck Skin using Neutron Capture