ICD-10 PCS – Browse (Tables)

Code Title
Top Categories
C Nuclear Medicine
C7 Lymphatic and Hematologic System
C76 Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay Nuclear Medicine, Lymphatic and Hematologic System, Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay
C763 Blood
C7631 Technetium 99m (Tc-99m)
C7631Z None
C7631ZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Technetium 99m (Tc-99m)
C7637 Cobalt 58 (Co-58)
C7637Z None
C7637ZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Cobalt 58 (Co-58)
C763C Cobalt 57 (Co-57)
C763CZ None
C763CZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Cobalt 57 (Co-57)
C763D Indium 111 (In-111)
C763DZ None
C763DZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Indium 111 (In-111)
C763H Iodine 125 (I-125)
C763HZ None
C763HZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Iodine 125 (I-125)
C763W Chromium (Cr-51)
C763WZ None
C763WZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Chromium (Cr-51)
C763Y Other Radionuclide
C763YZ None
C763YZZ None Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay of Blood using Other Radionuclide