ICD-10 PCS – Browse (Tables)

Code Title
Top Categories
B Imaging
B5 Veins
B51 Fluoroscopy Imaging, Veins, Fluoroscopy
B51R Pulmonary Vein, Left
B51R0 High Osmolar
B51R0Z None
B51R0ZA Guidance Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using High Osmolar Contrast, Guidance
B51R0ZZ None Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using High Osmolar Contrast
B51R1 Low Osmolar
B51R1Z None
B51R1ZA Guidance Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using Low Osmolar Contrast, Guidance
B51R1ZZ None Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using Low Osmolar Contrast
B51RY Other Contrast
B51RYZ None
B51RYZA Guidance Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using Other Contrast, Guidance
B51RYZZ None Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein using Other Contrast
B51RZ None
B51RZZ None
B51RZZA Guidance Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein, Guidance
B51RZZZ None Fluoroscopy of Left Pulmonary Vein