O08.2 Embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

Applicable To

Air embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Amniotic fluid embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Blood-clot embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Embolism NOS following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Fat embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Pulmonary embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Pyemic embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Septic or septicopyemic embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Soap embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 CM

MDC / MS-DRG Reference

Back Reference of Diagnostic Codes

embolism (artery) (cerebral) (any site) T79.0
Complication (s) (from) (of)
Embolism (multiple) (paradoxical) I74.9
air (any site) (traumatic) T79.0
amniotic fluid (pulmonary) See also Embolism, obstetric
blood clot
fat (cerebral) (pulmonary) (systemic) T79.1
pulmonary (acute) (artery) (vein) I26.99
pyemic (multiple) I76
Pregnancy (single) (uterine) See also Delivery and Puerperal Z33.1
ectopic (ruptured) O00.90
embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) O08.2
embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) O08.2

Sibling Codes

Parent Sibling Codes

View in Tabular

Code Title
O00-O9A Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A)
O00-O08 Pregnancy with abortive outcome (O00-O08)
O08 Complications following ectopic and molar pregnancy
O08.2 Embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Applicable to
Air embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Amniotic fluid embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Blood-clot embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Embolism NOS following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Fat embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Pulmonary embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Pyemic embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Septic or septicopyemic embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Soap embolism following ectopic and molar pregnancy