CB12TZZ Planar Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Lungs and Bronchi using Xenon 127 (Xe-127)

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

PCS Table

C Nuclear Medicine
Body System
B Respiratory System
1 Planar Nuclear Medicine Imaging
Body Part Radionuclide Qualifier Qualifier
2 Lungs and Bronchi
1 Technetium 99m (Tc-99m)
9 Krypton (Kr-81m)
T Xenon 127 (Xe-127)
V Xenon 133 (Xe-133)
Y Other Radionuclide
Z None
Z None
Y Respiratory System
Y Other Radionuclide
Z None
Z None

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 PCS

Fs: 10000 Pulmonary scan