4A14350 Monitoring of Venous Flow, Central, Percutaneous Approach

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

PCS Table

4 Measurement and Monitoring
Body System
A Physiological Systems
1 Monitoring
Body System Approach Function / Device Qualifier
0 Central Nervous
0 Open
2 Conductivity
B Pressure
Z No Qualifier
0 Central Nervous
0 Open
4 Electrical Activity
G Intraoperative
Z No Qualifier
0 Central Nervous
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
4 Electrical Activity
G Intraoperative
Z No Qualifier
0 Central Nervous
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
B Pressure
K Temperature
R Saturation
D Intracranial
0 Central Nervous
X External
2 Conductivity
Z No Qualifier
0 Central Nervous
X External
4 Electrical Activity
G Intraoperative
Z No Qualifier
1 Peripheral Nervous
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
X External
2 Conductivity
9 Sensory
B Motor
1 Peripheral Nervous
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
X External
4 Electrical Activity
G Intraoperative
Z No Qualifier
2 Cardiac
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
4 Electrical Activity
9 Output
C Rate
F Rhythm
H Sound
Z No Qualifier
2 Cardiac
X External
4 Electrical Activity
5 Ambulatory
Z No Qualifier
2 Cardiac
X External
9 Output
C Rate
F Rhythm
H Sound
Z No Qualifier
2 Cardiac
X External
M Total Activity
4 Stress
2 Cardiac
X External
S Vascular Perfusion
H Indocyanine Green Dye
3 Arterial
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
5 Flow
B Pressure
J Pulse
1 Peripheral
3 Pulmonary
C Coronary
3 Arterial
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
H Sound
R Saturation
1 Peripheral
3 Arterial
X External
5 Flow
B Pressure
H Sound
J Pulse
R Saturation
1 Peripheral
4 Venous
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
5 Flow
B Pressure
J Pulse
0 Central
1 Peripheral
2 Portal
3 Pulmonary
4 Venous
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
R Saturation
0 Central
2 Portal
3 Pulmonary
4 Venous
X External
5 Flow
B Pressure
J Pulse
1 Peripheral
6 Lymphatic
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
5 Flow
H Indocyanine Green Dye
Z No Qualifier
6 Lymphatic
0 Open
3 Percutaneous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
B Pressure
Z No Qualifier
9 Respiratory
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
X External
1 Capacity
5 Flow
C Rate
D Resistance
L Volume
Z No Qualifier
B Gastrointestinal
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
8 Motility
B Pressure
G Secretion
Z No Qualifier
B Gastrointestinal
X External
S Vascular Perfusion
H Indocyanine Green Dye
D Urinary
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
3 Contractility
5 Flow
B Pressure
D Resistance
L Volume
Z No Qualifier
G Skin and Breast
X External
S Vascular Perfusion
H Indocyanine Green Dye
H Products of Conception, Cardiac
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
X External
4 Electrical Activity
C Rate
F Rhythm
H Sound
Z No Qualifier
J Products of Conception, Nervous
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
8 Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
X External
2 Conductivity
4 Electrical Activity
B Pressure
Z No Qualifier
Z None
7 Via Natural or Artificial Opening
K Temperature
Z No Qualifier
Z None
X External
K Temperature
Q Sleep
Z No Qualifier

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 PCS

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