ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)
Code | Title |
– | All Chapters |
S00-T88 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88) |
T79-T79 | Certain early complications of trauma (T79) |
T79 |
Certain early complications of trauma, not elsewhere classified
Type 2 Excludes
acute respiratory distress syndrome (J80)
complications occurring during or following medical procedures (T80-T88)
complications of surgical and medical care NEC (T80-T88)
newborn respiratory distress syndrome (P22.0)
T79.0 | Air embolism (traumatic) |
T79.1 | Fat embolism (traumatic) |
T79.2 | Traumatic secondary and recurrent hemorrhage and seroma |
T79.4 | Traumatic shock |
T79.5 | Traumatic anuria |
T79.6 | Traumatic ischemia of muscle |
T79.7 | Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema |
T79.A | Traumatic compartment syndrome |
T79.A0 | Compartment syndrome, unspecified |
T79.A1 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of upper extremity |
T79.A11 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of right upper extremity |
T79.A12 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of left upper extremity |
T79.A19 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of unspecified upper extremity |
T79.A2 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of lower extremity |
T79.A21 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of right lower extremity |
T79.A22 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of left lower extremity |
T79.A29 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of unspecified lower extremity |
T79.A3 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of abdomen |
T79.A9 | Traumatic compartment syndrome of other sites |
T79.8 | Other early complications of trauma |
T79.9 | Unspecified early complication of trauma |