ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)

Code Title
All Chapters
F01-F99 Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders (F01-F99)
F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional, and other non-mood psychotic disorders (F20-F29)
F20 Schizophrenia
Type 1 Excludes
brief psychotic disorder (F23)
cyclic schizophrenia (F25.0)
mood [affective] disorders with psychotic symptoms (F30.2, F31.2, F31.5, F31.64, F32.3, F33.3)
schizoaffective disorder (F25.-)
schizophrenic reaction NOS (F23)

Type 2 Excludes
schizophrenic reaction in:
alcoholism (F10.15-, F10.25-, F10.95-)
brain disease (F06.2)
epilepsy (F06.2)
psychoactive drug use (F11-F19 with .15. .25, .95)
schizotypal disorder (F21)

F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia
F20.1 Disorganized schizophrenia
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
F20.5 Residual schizophrenia
F20.8 Other schizophrenia
F20.81 Schizophreniform disorder
F20.89 Other schizophrenia
F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified