ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)
Code | Title |
– | All Chapters |
E00-E89 | Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E89) |
E36-E36 | Intraoperative complications of endocrine system (E36) |
E36 |
Intraoperative complications of endocrine system
Type 2 Excludes
postprocedural endocrine and metabolic complications and disorders, not elsewhere classified (E89.-)
E36.0 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure complicating a procedure |
E36.01 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure complicating an endocrine system procedure |
E36.02 | Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure complicating other procedure |
E36.1 | Accidental puncture and laceration of an endocrine system organ or structure during a procedure |
E36.11 | Accidental puncture and laceration of an endocrine system organ or structure during an endocrine system procedure |
E36.12 | Accidental puncture and laceration of an endocrine system organ or structure during other procedure |
E36.8 | Other intraoperative complications of endocrine system |