ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)
Code | Title |
– | All Chapters |
E00-E89 | Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E89) |
E20-E35 | Disorders of other endocrine glands (E20-E35) |
E29 | Testicular dysfunction |
E29.1 |
Testicular hypofunction
Use Additional
code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
Type 1 Excludes
postprocedural testicular hypofunction (E89.5)
Applicable to
Defective biosynthesis of testicular androgen NOS
5-delta-Reductase deficiency (with male pseudohermaphroditism)
Testicular hypogonadism NOS